Benefits Enrollment

Welcome to the online enrollment site for
State of California Excluded Employees

Username: 9 digit Social Security Number with no dashes.

PIN: last four digits of your SSN followed by the last two digits of your birth year. 

For example, if the last four numbers of our Social Security number are 1122 and you were born in 1968, your PIN would be 112268.

To protect your privacy and security, you will be required to change this temporary PIN the first time you log in. 
You may contact us at 971-321-8150 or by email to

Is this your first time here?

Unauthorized access is prohibited. Please review the Consent to Electronic Transactions & Enroll Electronically before entering your user ID and Personal Identification Number. By entering your user ID and Personal Identification Number, you are agreeing to enroll electronically and the terms of the Consent to Electronic Transactions & Enroll Electronically.

Administrators may log in to the Administrative site.

The Standard is a marketing name for StanCorp Financial Group, Inc. and subsidiaries. Insurance products are offered by Standard Insurance Company of Portland, Oregon, in all states except New York, where insurance products are offered by The Standard Life Insurance Company of New York of White Plains, New York. Products not available in all states. Product features vary by state and company, and are solely the responsibility of each subsidiary. Each company is solely responsible for its own financial condition. Standard Insurance Company is licensed to solicit insurance business in all states except New York. The Standard Life Insurance Company of New York is licensed to solicit insurance business in only the state of New York.

© StanCorp Financial Group, Inc.       © Selerix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.